Homemade Curds|Dahi|Thayir (Basic Cooking)

Some of my blog viewers around the world had enquired as to culture Indian curds|dahi at home. When i came to US initially I had the same problem and I started experimenting on a number of culturing methods. One of the more proven/popular culturing methods, which some of my friends also follow, is to bring dahi from India & freeze it and use this exclusively for culturing. The one which suited best to me is as following and I stick to this method even now after 12 years. Today I am posting the same method to my viewers. My family are also used to this taste of curds now at our home. & I stick to this.

Prep Time : 8 Mins
Cook Time : 10 Mins
Curd | Dahi | Thayir Set Time : 2 to 4 hours


  • Cultured Curds|Thayir|Dahi - 2 tbsp (4 tbsp extra in winter season)
  • Milk - 1 ltr
  1. Boil the milk on a medium flame. Turn off the flame
  2. Let the milk become warm. 
  3. Add previous day cultured thayir/dahi/curds into the warm milk. Stir once and close the lid and keep aside to set for few hours.
Tips : 
  • Use desi dahi(i use Swad brand in US) store bought and wisk till becomes Thin constistency. Mix with warm milk
  • In NewYork weather i used to keep it in the warm place like (Oven, MW or hot water in the pressure cooker ) if it is during summer weather i don't use any of those warm place. Just set the dahi/curds with in a hour and refridgrate. 
  • Do not keep outside it becomes sour. If you get sour curds use it for Rava Dosa, Rava Idli or can be added warm milk into it. 
  • Once become thick curds and take out little and do it for next day adding same cultured curd. 
  • Repeat the process everyday use.

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